About the Game

Play the game of pool where the life itself is at stake. Destroy opponent's balls by any means necessary to win your chance to leave another day.


There are 2 players in the game. Each one starts with 15 balls. Players take turns and use cues to hit any of their balls. The goal of the game is to destroy all opponents balls.

Each ball starts with 10 HP, 5 DAMAGE and 0 ARMOR. These values can by upgraded during the game. Total player HP is a sum of HP of all player balls. When total player HP drops down to 0, player looses. During the turn, special collision rules apply for friendly (turn owners) and opponents balls:

  • If a friendly ball collides with another friendly ball: both heal 1 HP
  • If a friendly ball collides with an opponent's ball: friendly ball heals by its DAMAGE value. Opponent's ball loses HP equal to the friendly ball DAMAGE.
  • If opponent's ball hits opponent's ball: nothing happens

If player's ball looses all HP or is pocketed, it is permanently removed from the field. If player's ball HP was full when it was healed, the heal amount is converted into souls . Souls act as a currency in the game. Players can buy upgrades and other cue in the shop. Each player starts with a default cue. There is one slot for an additional one. Additional cues can be used only once.


LMB for everything.

The turn generally has these steps;

  • Buy items in the shop
  • Use items by clicking on them with LMB and them clicking on the ball/cue you want to upgrade. Upgradable items will flash white.
  • Select the cue you want to use
  • Select the ball you want to hit
  • Aim the cue
  • Press and hold LMB to lock the cue rotation and drag mouse to control the hit strength
  • Release LMB to hit the ball

Tech used:

  • Game is built from scratch with a custom software renderer
  • Aseprite for 2D textures
  • Audacity for soundtrack conversions

Assets used:

Ball sounds: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/billiard-sound-05-288416/

Gun fire: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/cannon-fire-161072/

Cross cue hit/spell: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/magic-spell-6005/

Background music: https://pixabay.com/music/classical-piano-moonlight-sonata-classical-piano-24153...


Source code: https://github.com/ShadowCurse/pirate_jam_16

Developer + Art: ShadowCurse (https://github.com/ShadowCurse) Art: Knotai99

Published 23 hours ago
StatusIn development
GenreAction, Simulation

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